Lots of strange things have been appearing on the streets lately. I think it started with a plane, then a carrousel. And later on, a white alien with a candy cane. The candy cane made me wonder, but still the weather was so nice outside, it couldn’t be the holiday season already?
One night though, Mom and Aby took me downtown Kingston (Ontario, Canada) after dark, and I could see in their eyes that something exciting was coming! The closer we got, the louder the music was. And suddenly, I heard sirens and saw lights: in front of me was a firetruck with light garlands on its ladder and wheels!
I couldn’t believe my eyes! Then I saw dancing elves and singing reindeers, followed by flashing bikes and even an ambulance. That’s when I knew: Christmas was coming, and at the end of the parade, there would be Santa!
On that rainy night, I saw Santa and his wife turn on the lights on the giant Christmas tree on K-town’s Market Square.
And the following days, I was excited to discover more Santas, Christmas trees and gold, blue and red lights popping up in front of the houses in my neighbourhood.

I even convinced Doggy to come outside with me on a snowy stormy night to look at all the festive decorations.
It took him forever to get ready, because he wasn’t back into the habit of wearing longjohns, snowpants, double-mittens, double-socks plus a woollen hat on top of his cap yet. But he came, and with all these colors outside, it reminded me of the fireworks I had seen over the Summer for Canada Day! Except that this time, had these been real fireworks, they would have got frozen in the sky…
That night, I came home a bit sleepy, and with two questions in my mind: why did my neighbours put an armchair for Santa on their roof? And when is it finally going to be Christmas for real??
