Hello, world! You know I’ve been dreeeeeaming to go to the States since, like, forever? Well, guess what! I made my first trip to Obama’s country, to visit some of my sister’s friends who live in the little town of Indiana, in Pennsylvania. I just couldn’t wait!! Because I was, like, finally going to get to see America! It was waaaaaaay cool!! Well, okay, it still wasn’t New York, but I’m going to get there, too…
In any case, our host family was super nice and took us around to see the area. There are loads of interesting things I’ve gotta tell you about…
But, first of all, I’ve gotta tell you that Indiana isn’t just any old town: It’s the town where James Stewart, one of Mom’s favorite actors, was born (well, he was, like, born in 1908, so he’s not really my generation!). Have you heard of him? I found out about him while I was there and, he was just tooooooooo good looking when he was young! Besides, he played in some super famous movies, like It’s a Wonderful Life, (which Frank Capra created after visiting Indiana with Jimmy!!!) Rear Window and How the West Was Won. Ok, so they weren’t Twilight, but they’re still kinda cool movies, honest!
The town of Indiana even has a museum about its Jimmy, and the local airport is named after him.
Anyhow, this trip was, like, way cool! Oh, and because it was December, Mamie even learned how to make Christmas cookies (real American cookies, yummmmm)…